The ABC’s of VM and A Deeper Dive

By Renee Hoekstra, CVS

The SAVE International Arizona Chapter delivered two great sessions at the 2023 American Public Works Association (APWA) Arizona summer conference.  We had an excellent turnout which included Cities, Consultants and Contractors.

The ABC’s course was designed to introduce participants to the Value Methodology (VM). The Deeper Dive course allowed participants to dig in deeper and practice the process which also included understanding other uses of the methodology.

Pat Miller, CVS, managing partnering of RHA, attended the February APWA luncheon to present them with a $500 check towards their Scholarship program.  She was thanked by the current APWA President for the SAVE Arizona Chapter’s commitment to APWA and was also given an opportunity to introduce the two classes that will be taught at the 2024 Summer conference this August in Tucson, Arizona.

This year, I and Colin Miller, VMA will be helping to teach the ABC’s course. Susanna Struble from the Town of Gilbert will share the Town’s usage of VM during the Deeper Dive course.

The SAVE Arizona Chapter has been very successful in helping to Spread the Word of VM throughout Arizona.  We encourage all other Chapters to take the opportunity to join us in looking for opportunities to provide training to help others understand the true meaning of value.  Donate your time and your experience!