Miles Value Foundation Update

By Drew Algase, CVS, FSAVE – Chairman, MVF Board of Directors

The Miles Value Foundation (MVF) and its directors have been working to continue to promote the work of Larry Miles and the Value Methodology (VM).  This includes the updating of the VE textbook for use in college courses, a new Function Models Guide for advanced applications, and the creation of a virtual Miles Value Institute for professional development. 

To hear more about these initiatives, the MVF invites everyone with an interest in VM to join us at the SAVE International 2024 Value Summit in Nashville, TN. MVF will present a pre-Summit training session on Advanced Function Models on Saturday, June 1, 2024.  This is in support of the new ‘Function Models Guide’ being introduced at the Summit.

The MVF annual business meeting will be conducted on Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 5:00-6:00 pm after the training session.  The agenda will include the President’s report of the year’s accomplishments and future plans, election of directors to the MVF board, and a discussion to hear from attendees to improve the MVF.

While everyone may attend the MVF annual business meeting, only MVF members are eligible to vote to elect directors.  Becoming a member is very easy – a donation of $25 or more to MVF is all that is needed.  MVF is a nonprofit, charitable organization (IRS section 501.c.3) and all donations may be tax deductible for U.S. income tax filers.  Further information for joining MVF is on our website at

See you in Nashville!