Function Inspired Change – How to Compete for the MVF Best Paper Award

By Donald E. Parker, PE, CCE, CVS, FSAVE

Each year the Miles Value Foundation (MVF) reviews all the papers submitted to SAVE International for its annual Value Summit to determine the winner of the MVF annual award for the best paper describing a function inspired change. The MVF began this award several years ago with the hope of inspiring all those performing VE work to focus on function analysis which Larry Miles developed as the heart of value work.

Miles wrote in his book (1) “Basic functions are those functions for which the customer buys the device or service.  The basic function of a refrigerator is to preserve food, that of a lawn mower to cut grass, and that of a bicycle to move weight, etc.”

The MVF extends that definition to include construction projects as well as products and services. For example, the basic function of a school is to teach students, that of a suspended ceiling is to conceal infrastructure, and that of a door is to control opening, etc.

We review all the papers looking for 6 elements to score. They are:                  

What we are looking for is the listing of all the functions you developed for the product, service or built environment you are value engineering. Then, your selection of its Basic Function. Next, your creativity in brainstorming alternative ways to provide that basic function. And finally, your proposal to implement your idea to serve the basic function and the value it created.

That is the product that a sound Value Methodology approach produces by using function analysis at its genesis. Now that you know our secret of scoring, the MVF hopes your interest is perked to pursue our annual award at the next Summit. Good luck!


  1. Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering, 2nd Edition, C 1972, Lawrence D. Miles