Chapter News: “Save with SAVE”

By Jacqueline Farag, PhD, PMP, CSSBB, CVS – President, SAVE International Eastern Mediterranean & Africa Chapter

Dr. Jacqueline Fahmy Farag, President of VECG Value Engineering Consultants Group and President of the SAVE International Eastern Mediterranean & Africa (EMA) Chapter, is launching a series of campaigns under the name of “Save with SAVE” that calls for the application of the principles of value engineering to reduce the costs of projects, products or services up to 25-30% without sacrificing quality, and to integrate the sciences of project management, energy management, quality and sustainability.

From this principle, the “Save for Egypt” seminar was established on January 13, 2018 to call for the integration of value engineering and projects management. University professors, consultants and engineers from several disciplines attended the seminar, and discussed the application of value engineering and its direct and effective role in reducing the costs of projects. The seminar discussed some highly specialized techniques, such as Quality Function Deployment, Value Stream Mapping and how to use the calculations of Earned Value to determine the most appropriate time for the application of Value Engineering.

On April 14, 2018 the 2nd Seminar will be held to discuss the integration of value management and energy management to achieve the sustainability and reduce the projects’ life cycle costs, taking into consideration the operating, maintenance costs, etc. to avoid subtracting from the balance of our countries for no reasons.

In these campaigns, the various scientific methods are used to reach the mechanisms of how to best deal with our resources to achieve the objectives of the project, but taking into consideration that the resources limited and shrinking over the years. The “Save with SAVE” campaign also aims to create teams to spread the various management sciences and increase the awareness of value engineering.

A part of the campaigns, the SAVE EMA Chapter will provide free memberships for university students and young learners in the belief of the importance of instilling the spirit of seeking to save and reduce costs from the beginning, from the stage of university education.

The SAVE EMA Chapter welcomes all organizations, universities and institutions in its region to share to spread this knowledge!