The VM Guide is Now Available

SAVE International is excited to announce that its VM Guide (a Guide to the Value Methodology Body of Knowledge) is now available in all formats – print, e-book and PDF.

The print and e-book versions of the VM Guide are available on The PDF version is available from SAVE International’s online store.

The VM Guide is the definitive resource for the theory and practice of value improving techniques. This essential guide serves as the foundation for SAVE International’s standards of practice and professional certification program.

In it, readers will find a wealth of information regarding the underlying process, known as the VM Job Plan, as well as guidance on the application of techniques that support the performance of VM Studies. This volume also includes practical guidance on facilitation techniques as well as the creation and management of VM programs.

Order your copy of the VM Guide today! Also be sure to share this information with your colleagues, clients and others in the Value Engineering industry.