President’s Message – November 2019

By Renee Hoekstra, CVS – President, SAVE International

The holidays are getting close. My favorite time of the year! We’re done with October and heading into November and then December. I also can’t believe that 2019 is almost at an end. However, we still have much to do.

Have you contacted your SAVE International Board of Directors to help be a part of improving your organization? Please do so before the end of the year. Speaking of which, during the Fall Board Meeting, we identified a couple of great opportunities for some short-term innovative “Tiger Teams”.

How Exciting, what is a “Tiger Team”, you may ask? We will be soliciting for two special teams for a short-term engagement and an opportunity to influence the Board and make changes to the organization. The two topics will be “A Guide to Marketing Value” and “Membership for the Next Generation”. There will be a special email that will be coming from SAVE, so look for your opportunity to get involved. We need your help.

Additionally, the Board continued to work on our Strategic Action Plan. This includes a focus on developing a Chapter Tool Box. We will be focusing on how SAVE can help our Chapters to better engage their local members through marketing, programs, tools and meeting opportunities, something that I know you have all been asking about. This might include offering virtual opportunities and getting Chapters to host special “watch parties” to engage our membership. Stay tuned…

Other topics that we are working on is the finalization of the Certification Maintenance Program from the Certification Board. Look for an email soon and thank you all for your patience.

Speaking of patience, we’ve got quite a few more changes that will be occurring over the next couple of years. As you know, we are all really excited about finalizing and publishing the VMBoK. We are on schedule and thank all of you who have been involved in the editing process. This was a great organizational success with a strong focus on transparency and engagement with our members. Please be aware that the VMBoK will require more changes within our organization, which I know will be frustrating, but in the long run this is going to be tremendous for our organization. We will have a singular identity with the VMBoK and we need to align with our PACE initiative. That means Education (Training) and Certification as well. Your overwhelming support is appreciated, and you can help if you will volunteer on the Certification Board and the Education Committee. Be a part of this great success!

By now you should all have seen the Call for Papers and classes for our 2020 Value Summit. As was mentioned in the October issue of Value World, we have a completely different approach for the 2020 Summit, and it is exciting! We’re looking for not only our members, but other individuals with tools and processes that integrate and align with SAVE to also submit papers and training courses. We have so many other types of process that can benefit from the Value Methodology and vice versa.

Please feel free to share our posts on your favorite connections (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more) to others that you know that could provide a presentation to help educate our Summit attendees. This is also a great way to share our means and methods as well as increase attendance at our events. We had a banner Summit last year and we want to continue the trend. Not only do we want new attendees, we want to keep attendees coming back. We can do this by continuing to provide educational and networking opportunities.

Spread the Word and the Word is VM”. New Orleans is an exciting venue, there is so much energy and excitement. Get involved and join us for Big Ideas in the Big Easy.

I have so much more that I can share with you about what your Board is working on, but we’re in the beginning stages and I don’t want to spill all the beans. As we continue to work towards meeting our Strategic Goals and Action Items, I will continue to share our successes as they will all have an impact on your organization. I want to continue to let you know that your Board is here for you and with your help, we can accomplish much. Thanks for your continued support and involvement!